Month: September 2019
Acid Reflux Treatment
Acid Reflux Symptoms and Complications The most common acid reflux and GERD symptoms include: Heartburn Bitter taste in your mouth, periodically or (for some people) throughout the day (some people taste regurgitated food or sour liquid at the back of their mouths/throats) Waking up in the middle of the night feeling like you’re choking or coughing […]
Daily Digest Digestive Enzymes Reviews
The Problem – Vital digestive enzymes, in our body & in plants, aid in digestion yet:We lose digestive ezymes as we age and when we cook foodsEnzymes can be destroyed by temperatures exceeding 118 degreesEnzymes can be destroyed by commercial farming & processingEnzymes can be destroyed by strenuous exercise & inherited conditionsPoor digestion & low […]